Save 48% With the Funnel Bundle

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Exclusive PLR Offer for: Online Marketers & Consultants

Make Money Helping Landscape Companies Bring In More Leads and Customers Using the Revolutionary Leadflow Flywheel System!

Don't Worry... We've Created Everything For You in this DFY Package!

This AI Enhanced product is easy to setup and comes with PLR rights so you can claim it as your own, sell it and keep 100% of the profits... or do whatever you want with it!

Hi there!

Are you tired of struggling to find new ways to grow your business and generate more revenue?

Do you feel like you're constantly spinning your wheels, trying to come up with innovative solutions for your clients?

Well, what if I told you there's a NEW opportunity, powered by the unique Leadflow Flywheel system, that could completely transform the way you serve your clients and skyrocket your profits?

Introducing Landscaper Leadflow - a pre-made, done-for-you (DFY) product that is the ultimate way for you to help local landscaper businesses generate leads and customers like never before.

What exactly is a Leadflow Flywheel, and how does it work?

The Leadflow Flywheel is a game-changing lead generation process that focuses on "Top of Funnel" content to attract and engage prospects and convert them into paying customers. It all starts with creating eye-catching social posts and engaging video shorts that pique interest and drive viewers to long-form, SEO-optimized articles for more in-depth information.

Each article is directly related to its corresponding social post and video short, providing valuable insights and building credibility. At the end of the article, a powerful call to action offers a free checklist, capturing leads that you can nurture through automated follow-up emails, further building trust and paving the way for offering your client's services.

But here's the best part - with Landscaper Leadflow, you don't have to do any of the heavy lifting yourself.

This pre-made, DFY (Done-for-You) product comes with everything you need to start selling fast, including a proven sales funnel with world-class sales copy, a high-converting web commercial, and the complete Leadflow product that you'll be selling to your clients.

How the Leadflow Flywheel works:

Follow these five simple steps to use this Leadflow Flywheel system:

After you customize and edit the mini-reports/articles as needed upload them to your client's blog and schedule them one-day after another.

These mini-reports/articles are very powerful because they are long form, SEO optimized and actually educate and help the reader.

Post daily on social media using the Soical Posting Kit PLUS the video shorts we provide! It's best if you automate this process. (Don't worry we included training on how to do this.)

EXPERT TIP: For each social post and video short include a link to the full mini-report/article that goes a long with that post. YES! Each social post has it's own long form article associated with it.

We've included 5 lead magnets you can use to grow your client's email list. What we recommend is that you put CTAs (Call-to-Action) to join your email list in exchange for the lead magnet.

Create an email campaign to follow up with them on autopilot using the email messages we provide.

Have conversations with prospects and close new website design, creation, optimization, etc. deals!

As you can see you can combine everything we're providing you into one systematic approach to bring in more landscaper clients.

And because it comes with PLR (Private Label Rights), you can claim this incredible product as your own, sell it to your clients, and keep 100% of the profits.

That's right - Landscaper Leadflow provides you with a new profit center for your marketing consultancy or agency, without any of the time-consuming work of creating a product from scratch. Do you realize how much time and money this saves you from having to create all of this yourself?

But why trust us?

We understand the challenges marketing consultants and agencies face when trying to deliver results for their clients. That's why we've invested countless hours and resources into developing Landscaper Leadflow - a product that not only delivers incredible value to local landscaper businesses but also empowers you to grow your own business in the process.

We've seen firsthand the transformative power of the Leadflow Flywheel, and we know that by implementing this proven system, you can help your clients achieve the lead generation and customer acquisition results they've always dreamed of.

If you're like most marketing consultants and agencies, you might be thinking, "This sounds too good to be true." Or maybe you're worried about the time and effort it takes to implement a new product or service.

With Landscaper Leadflow, those concerns are a thing of the past.

This PLR product comes with everything you need to start selling immediately, including a complete Social Posting Kit with blurbs and images, matching long-form, SEO-optimized articles, various lead magnet checklists, an email follow-up series, and even infographics and listicles to add even more value to your marketplace.

But before you scroll down and click the button to invest in this revolutionary product there are a couple things you should know.

First, because this is a digital product with PLR rights, there are no refunds. All sales are final.

Second, it's important to note that some of the content in Landscaper Leadflow may be AI-Assisted. However, all content has been carefully reviewed and edited by our team of experts to ensure the highest quality and accuracy.

Look, traditional marketing methods and outdated lead generation strategies are to blame for the frustration and lack of results you've experienced.

Isn't it time for a new, proven approach?

There has never been a better time to take advantage of this opportunity. The demand for effective lead generation in the landscaping industry is high, and with Landscaper Leadflow, you can position yourself as the go-to expert with a ready-made solution.

With this incredible PLR product at your fingertips, you'll be able to help local landscaper businesses generate leads and customers like never before, all while growing your own profits and establishing yourself as the go-to marketing expert in your industry.

But don't wait - this opportunity won't last forever. You have an important decision to make. Will you continue struggling to find new ways to serve your clients and grow your business? Or will you seize this moment and take advantage of the transformative power of Landscaper Leadflow?

The choice is yours. But if you're ready to take your marketing consultancy or agency to the next level, there's never been a better time to act.

Now that we're on the same page please keep scrolling to see eveything you're going to get with this amazing package...

Here's Everyting You Get


30 Long Form Mini-Reports/Articles

Each article covers the details of the matching social post and video short.

All 30 articles total 219-pages and 56,708-words!!

Below is the list of long form and SEO optimized articles/blog posts/mini-reports specifically created for this niche.

BONUS: Each article comes with three AI generated images that compliment the content. You can choose to use these or remove them.

Available in: Google Doc, Word

Here's a list of included mini-reports:

($1,597 Value)

  • The Dangers of Overwatering: Why Less Is More for Your Lawn
  • Mulching Magic: How to Control Weeds Naturally Without Pulling
  • Mowing Myths: Why Keeping Grass Longer Is Healthier
  • Insect Allies: How Beneficial Bugs Contribute to Garden Health
  • Morning Moisture: The Best Time to Water Your Plants
  • Pruning for Growth: Why Winter is the Prime Time for Tree Care
  • Beyond Pesticides: Exploring Integrated Pest Management Solutions
  • The Benefits of Crop Rotation in Small Garden Spaces
  • Solving the Mystery of Brown Patches in Lawns
  • Functional Beauty: How Effective Landscaping Enhances Your Home
  • The Value of Local Landscapers: Personalized Care Close to Home
  • Seasonal Planting: Timing Your Gardening for Success
  • Organic vs. Synthetic Fertilizers: Which is Better for Your Garden?
  • Leave the Leaves: Benefits of Using Leaf Mulch in Your Garden
  • Investing in Green: How Landscaping Increases Property Values
  • The Right Cut: Seasonal Pruning for Healthy Plants
  • Grasscycling: The Environmental Benefits of Leaving Clippings on the Lawn
  • Hard Soil Misconceptions: Watering Needs and Management
  • Artificial Turf Maintenance: Ensuring Longevity and Beauty
  • Shade Gardens: Cultivating Beauty Away from the Sun
  • Optimal Seasons for Tree Planting: A Guide to Fall Arboriculture
  • Container Gardening: Debunking the Rock Layer Myth
  • Reviving Dormant Trees: Understanding Seasonal Tree Behaviors
  • Watering Wisdom: Effective Irrigation Practices for Healthier Lawns
  • Patience with Fertilizers: Understanding Their Long-term Effects
  • Winter Garden Care: Preventing Disease in Cold Weather
  • Mulching Mistakes: How Too Much Mulch Can Harm Your Trees
  • Water Wise: Caring for Drought-Resistant Plants
  • Economical Landscaping: How Smart Design Saves Energy
  • Soil Compatibility: Choosing the Right Plants for Your Garden Environment


Social Posting Kit

30 Social Media Post Blurbs and Images

Social posting is one of the most effective marketing strategies you can do to stay top of mind for your audience.

And considering you can set everything up to be on autopilot it makes it even better!

For this set of posts we've included the ever popular and most valuable: Myths Busted!

BONUS: Each post has an article associated with it to (see Module 1). Making it a powerful 1-2 combo.

AUTOMATION TRAINING: Also included is complete training on how to automate your entire social posting strategy.

Available in: Canva, .PNG, Excel

Here's a peak at all the graphics:

($697 Value)


Video Shorts

30 Short Form, Value Based Videos in Both USA and UK Voices Overs (60 total videos!)

Here we take it up a notch!

For each social post (see Module 2) we also include a short video that is perfect for social media channels like YouTube, TikTok and Instagram Reels.

Include a CTA (Call to Action) in the description to head over to read the article that is associated with it and you can begin to see how this all takes shape.

Video shorts are all the range and aren't going anywhere. Help your clients take advatage of it with this professional videos!

Available in: MP4 and Pictory Source Files

Each video comes in USA and UK voice overs.

Here's a peak at a few of the videos:

($997 Value)


Lead Magnet Checklists

What is a sales process without lead magnets to build and grow your email list?

Well we've included several powerful and on-topic checklists for you to use!

Choose the best one for your situation or use multiple ones to gain a huge competitive edge.

Available in: Google Doc, Word

Here's a list of included lead magnet checklists:

  • Seasonal Lawn Care Checklist
  • Winter Garden Preparation Checklist
  • Right Plants Selection Checklist
  • Homeowners' Pest Control Checklist
  • Landscaping Design Templates Checklist

($197 Value)


Lead Magnet Funnel

We've created a proven lead magnet funnel for you to use. Simply use the included share funnel link and you can be up and running in a matter of minues.

And you can use for free for life!

While we created one lead magnet funnel you can of course easily create them for all of the included lead magnets we're giving you with this bonus.

Available in:, Or whatever funnel builder you choose

($297 Value)

Click here to see a demo.


Lead Magnet Banner Ads

Place these banner ads at the bottom of the long form articles.

This will entice people to optin to get these valuable checklists while building trust, credibility and goodwill with the prospects.

This is a simple but critical piece in the Leadflow Flywheel System.

Available in: .PNG and Canva

($197 Value)


Email Nurture Sequence

10 Emails for Each Checklist - 50 Emails in Total!

The old saying goes, "the money is in the list". And you know what? It's true!

But just building a list isn't good enough. You need to send regular emails to keep your list engaged and your business top of mind. So when they need a service you provide you're the one they call and not your competitors!

The good news is we have a complete series of email follow up messages you can swipe from us. This will save you a ton of time and effort from having to do it all yourself.

Not only do we have just one email nurture sequence - we have one for every checklist... That is a total of 50 emails!

Talk about ultra flexibility!

Available in: Google Doc, Word

($197 Value)


Pre-Made Sales Funnel

Prepare to watch your conversion rates soar with our premier tool...

The Sales Page!

This isn’t just any sales page—it’s a meticulously designed conversion machine, crafted to dissolve objections and convert visitors into valuable customers with astonishing effectiveness.

Boasting persuasive copy that resonates deeply with your audience's needs, eye-catching graphics that captivate attention, and a funnel architecture optimized for peak conversion performance, this sales page is your key to unlocking remarkable sales achievements.

Envision a steady flow of leads swiftly transforming into a flood of transactions. The copy here does more than describe; it seduces, pulling in prospects compellingly and irresistibly.

It connects so powerfully that customers feel compelled to act immediately. This sales page doesn’t just present your offer; it enchants, persuades, and secures conversions with unparalleled ease.

And the cherry on top? You receive the entire sales letter in a pre-made funnel inside the funnel builder! You also get the sales copy in a Word document, ready to be seamlessly integrated into your marketing setup.

For turning leads into substantial revenue and streamlining profit generation, this Sales Page component is your essential asset.

Available in:, Whatever funnel builder you choose

($297 Value)

Click here to see a demo of the sales page.


Web Commercials

Visualize a scenario where your conversion rates climb without you having to make a single sales pitch.

No need for direct sales tactics or exhaustive presentations. Instead, let a dynamic 2-minute Video Sales Letter (VSL) do the heavy lifting for you.

Think that sounds too good to be true? Welcome to the reality of our Web Commercial.

This package includes two custom videos, each featuring a professional voice-over tailored for USA and UK ensuring your message resonates across diverse markets.

Here's the deal: your strategy can revolutionize the market. But in a world filled with commonplace claims, standing out requires something special. You need to vividly demonstrate why your AI chatbot approach is the game-changer they’ve been waiting for.

Enter the VSL. It’s more than just a video; it’s a captivating narrative, expertly crafted to connect with your audience's core needs and aspirations. Here, engaging stories meet strategic marketing savvy.

What sets this VSL apart? Its precise targeting. Created by experts, it effectively and engagingly highlights your unique benefits.

It acknowledges the obstacles your prospects encounter and presents your strategy as the essential solution they need, all within an enthralling 2-minute story.

This VSL doesn't just contribute to the marketing buzz—it slices through it, shifting perspectives, building anticipation, and positioning your strategy as the ultimate answer. It doesn’t just join the conversation—it changes it.

2-Videos: One each in USA and UK Voice Overs

Available in: MP4 and Pictory Source Files

($297 Value)



We're also including all of the eCover graphics, editable in Canva, so you can change, edit, tweak if needed to match your brand.

And in case you missed it in Module One we are also including 90 AI generated images. There are three for each article, however, you can use these images anywhere!

Available in: PNG and Canva

($197 Value)


Leadflow Quick Start Guide

In an attempt to help you get started quickly and successfully as possible we're including a straight-forward Quick Start Guide.

This is an evolving guidebook. Meaning we will continually add content as new things come up. We will let customers know if/when there are changes.

You'll get an Action Plan for Running the Leadflow Flywheel as a Service plus an Action Plan for Selling Your Local Leadflow Flywheel Product.

We also include answers to frequently asked questions about things like training and pricing.

Available in: Evolving Google Doc

($197 Value)

Now, I've been around the block a few times, and I've seen countless guides, courses, and "magic solutions." But nothing quite like this.

This product is a game-changer. It's like having a digital marketing genius (infused with AI superpowers) guiding your marketing efforts every step of the way.

But here's the catch: This isn't for everyone. If you're looking for a magic wand that will change everything overnight, this isn't it. Nothing is!

But if you're serious about growing your business while helping your clients have effective marketing strategies, about truly connecting with your customers, and about skyrocketing your sales, then this is for you.

Our Promise

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, the difference between businesses that thrive and those that merely survive is often the effectiveness of their online strategy. This Landscaper Leadflow product isn't just content; it's a promise. A promise that by using the Leadflow Flywheel System, you're getting a proven system that brings in leads and customers on autopilot.

* Disclaimer: we do not guarantee results and results will vary.

The Bottom Line

If you're tired of throwing money down the online marketing black hole, it's time to arm yourself with the ultimate weapon—a proven consultant leadflow.

Ready to get started?

Keep scrolling...

Why Listen to Me

Why listen to me? In short, because I've been there, done it and still doing it. I am an active local marketing consultant. But I also coach other marketing consultants and help them grow their business. Lastly, I am a product creator. Most of my products are created specifically for local marketing consultants to use in their own business.

Over the past few years I have created over 200 PLR (Private Label Rights) products that several hundred consultants use every day in their business. I survey my consultant customers regularly to understand the challenges they are facing and to know exactly what they need right now that will help them most in their businesses. Then my team and I create products that fit their needs.

I pride myself on providing not only world-class products but also top quality service. You can rest assured that we will be here when you need us.

Hear What Our Customers Have to Say

This is probably the best checklist I've seen for a website audit. Good idea to have the AI prompts!


Marketing Consultant

A BIG Hell yeah from me on that one Drew! I'm finding that... these sorts of things would really help to be able to give (marketers) a guideline checklist for the key essential services that all digital and local business owners need to consider and work on.


Marketing Consultant

That checklist is amazing! I showed a client and we walked through it together. Very helpful and engaging. Can't wait to use more of them!


Digital Marketing Agency

How Long Would it Take to Create This Yourself?

Can we get real for second?

Imagine how long it would take you to create all of this content? It would take hours and hours! You'd have to go through each marketing strategy and tactic in excruciating detail, double check that nothing is missing, make it look nice, bla bla bla.

Who's got time for that?!

And if you outsourced something like this you can expect to spend at least $2,500-$5,000+. And then you don't know for sure if it will be good enough to present to your clients.

Doesn't it just make sense to take advantage of someone who has already done all the work for you?

Especially when it's offered at such a low price?!

Everything Comes with PLR!

With PLR you have the rights to not only use it for your own business but you can sell this product to others. You do NOT have the right resell PLR rights though - only the product itself.

  • ​[YES] Can Be Edited and Modified As Needed
  • [YES] Can be sold to L companies
  • ​[YES] Can Claim Ownership
  • ​[YES] Can Be Used For Your Own Business
  • ​​[YES] Can be packaged with other products
  • ​[YES] Can modify/change the main product
  • ​​[YES] Can modify/change the graphics
  • ​​​[YES] ​​Can be offered as a bonus
  • [NO] Can NOT be sold to other consultants and marketers
  • ​[NO] Can NOT Sell Resale PLR Rights
  • ​​[NO] Can NOT Sell Master Resale Rights
  • ​[NO] Can NOT be given away for free as-is (must include your name or another similar change)
  • ​[NO] Can NOT be added to free membership sites
  • ​[NO] Can NOT use my name or company name in any way shape or form.

Ways You Can Use This

  • Personalize and Brand It: Add your name, logo, and branding to the PLR product and present it as your own creation.
  • Lead Generation: Use part of the content as a lead magnet to attract subscribers and grow your email list.
  • Blog Content: Segment the content and repurpose it into multiple blog posts or articles for your website.
  • Email Marketing: Incorporate the material into a series of autoresponder emails to engage, educate, and nurture your subscribers.
  • Affiliate Marketing: Integrate your affiliate links within the content, promoting related products or services to earn commissions.
  • Create a New Product: Enhance and expand certain parts of the product and sell it as a new product.
  • Podcast Material: Use the content as a foundation for podcast episodes, providing valuable insights to your listeners.
  • Video Content: Transform the PLR material into scripts for video content, be it tutorials, webinars, or a YouTube series.
  • Educational Presentations: Convert the content into a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation for webinars, workshops, or online classes.
  • Social Media Snippets: Extract key points, quotes, or tips from the content and share them as bite-sized posts on platforms like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook.
  • Infographics: Summarize the content visually by designing infographics, which can be shared on social media or embedded in blog posts.
  • Interactive Content: Use the PLR material as a base to create quizzes, surveys, or interactive PDFs to engage your audience.
  • Membership Site Content: Incorporate the PLR content into a paid membership site, offering exclusive access to subscribers or premium members.
  • Training Materials: If you're a coach or consultant, use the PLR content as training materials or resources for your clients.
  • Plus so much more!

What About the Guarantee?

Due to the nature of this offer – being hundreds of dollars worth of PLR content – and to protect the integrity of our customers there is NO money back guarantee.

We realize that this may turn some people away. And frankly we understand that this is not a great fit for everyone.

But please understand, as a customer you could make your payment, download everything, use it in your business and then ask for a refund. But you would still have all of our content. That would not be fair to us nor our other customers. Therefore we have chosen to not have a money back guarantee with this offer.

We have sold hundreds of products and we pride ourselves on providing top quality support. We will be there when you need us.

So How Much?

Now we’re at the point where you’re wondering about how much this product will be. Valid question!

Here’s the thing…

If you were to do this yourself or hire someone to do it for you-you're looking at a minimum cost of over $2,000! And believe me, I am quite fair when I say that.

But of course, you won't pay anything close to that.

In fact, for a limited time, we're having a great deal. But you need to grab this now before the price goes up.

For a Limited Time You Can Save Even More By Getting the Full Funnel Bundle!

Choose Your Option Below:

Front End Only


YES! I Want Instant Access


  • 30 Long Form Mini-Reports/Articles
  • Social Posting Kit (30)
  • Video Shorts (60)
  • Lead Magnet Checklists (5)
  • Lead Magnet Funnel
  • Lead Magnet Banner Ads
  • Email Nurture Sequence
  • Pre-Made Sales Funnel
  • Web Commercials
  • Graphics
  • Leadflow Quick Start Guide


I understand that when I order today I will get immediate access to my purchase. Due to the nature of this PLR offer I also know that there are no refunds. After my order is complete I understand that I will receive an email with login details to access the private member's area where everything is delivered inside easy-to-download ZIP files. Lastly, I understand that I will be making one payment today with NO future payments.

  • Order online safely and securely.
  • All orders processed and secured by PayPal through
  • You’re 100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.

One Payment of Only...

*** SAVE 48%! ***



YES! I Want Instant Access


With this unique offer you get everything included in this entire funnel but a HUGE discount!

Take a look at everything you get:

FRONT END: Landscaper Leadflow Flywheel with PLR (Price: $38)

  • 30 Long Form Mini-Reports/Articles
  • Social Posting Kit (30)
  • Video Shorts (60)
  • Lead Magnet Checklists (5)
  • Lead Magnet Funnel
  • Lead Magnet Banner Ads
  • Email Nurture Sequence
  • Pre-Made Sales Funnel
  • Web Commercials
  • Graphics
  • Leadflow Quick Start Guide

FE Order Bump: Google Business Profile Bootcamp - 10-Day Challenge for Landscape Companies (Price: $12)

With this you get a powerful, action based 10-day challenge that will help Landscape companies claim and optimize their GBP listings! It's jam packed with 86-pages and over 15,000-words of meaty content.

OTO #1: Landscaper Leadflow Accelerator (Price: $58)

  • Google Review Postcards
  • Listicles
  • LinkedIn Posts
  • Email Newsletters
  • PPC Ads
  • Infographics
  • xStorm (Pre-written Tweets)
  • Special Report: Landscaper Video Heat Up
  • Pre-Made Sales Funnel
  • Web Commercials

OTO #1 Order Bump: SPECIAL REPORT - Google Reviews for Landscapers (Price: $12)

With this you get a detailed Special Report of 85-pages, 15,836-words that you can give away to help Landscape clients get more Google Reviews. Or post them individually on your blog or social media.

OTO #2: Landscaper Website (Price: $58)

  • Pre-Made, DFY Landscape Company Website
  • 30 Pre-Loaded Articles
  • Pre-Loaded Lead Magnet Banner Ads
  • Full Customer Support

OTO #2 Order Bump: Landscape AI All Purpose Images (50) (Price: $12)

With this you get a mix of 50 unique, AI generated landscape images your clients can use for for social media, website, advertising, etc. You can give these away for free or sell as part of your offer.

TOTAL VALUE: $14,540

I understand that when I order today I will get immediate access to my purchase. Due to the nature of this PLR offer I also know that there are no refunds. After my order is complete I understand that I will receive an email with login details to access the private member's area where everything is delivered inside easy-to-download ZIP files. Lastly, I understand that I will be making one payment today with NO future payments.

  • Order online safely and securely.
  • All orders processed and secured by PayPal through
  • You’re 100% protected from unauthorized payments with 24/7 monitoring to prevent fraud.

If you purchased everything seperately it would cost you $190... but with the Bundle you get a 48% Discount!!

One Payment of Only...

AI Powered PLR Product Disclaimer

Various parts of the content provided in this product has been generated with the assistance of artificial intelligence ("AI") and has been reviewed and edited by human editors. While we strive to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the content, we do not guarantee, expressly or implicitly, its correctness, accuracy, or completeness. The use of AI in content generation may result in unintentional errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

By using this product, you acknowledge and agree that neither the provider of this product nor its affiliates, employees, agents, or licensors will be liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary, relating to the use of, reliance upon, or inability to use the content, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in the content.

It is the responsibility of the user to review, verify, and ensure the appropriateness of the content for their specific purposes. We recommend always conducting your own research and consulting with relevant professionals before relying on or implementing any information or suggestions provided in this product.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is This Original Content?

YES! This is all original content created specifically for this product. It was created with the assistance of artificial intelligence ("AI") and has been reviewed and edited by human editors. While we stive to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of the content, we do not guarantee, expressly or implicitly, its correctness, accuracy, or completeness. The use of AI in content generation may result in unintentional errors, omissions, or inaccuracies.

Are There Any Upsells?

YES! There are two One-Time-Offer Upsells. Both are optional and not required for you to get the most out of this product. However, as you will see the first one is a powerful add-on that will help you increase your income and help your clients even more!

The second OTO is an amazing, professionally created website specifically created for this niche. PLUS it comes with all 30 long form articles and lead magnet banners pre-loaded!

Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

No. Due to the nature of this product being worth thousands of dollars or PLR (Private Label Rights) content there are no refunds. All sales are final.

What Are The Rights For This Product?

The rights for this product are clearly listed above on this page. In short, you are getting PLR (Private Label Rights) which means you have the right to claim this product as your own, sell it and keep 100% of the profits.

How Long Does It Take to Get Access to My Purchase?

You'll get immediate access to the download page after your payment is processed through our payment provider (W+). And you will always have access to this product through the W+ receipt page.

How Can I Contact You If I Need Support?

If you ever need customer assistance you can contact us at our supper center at: Please note that this is for customer support only.

Copyright © All Rights Reserved.